Supply of geotextiles "SANGEOTEX" for the A-380 highway
Supply of geotextile “SANGEOTEX” for the construction of sports facilities in Tashkent region in 2014
Export of geotextile “SANGEOTEX” to Kazakhstan for the construction of an international highway in 2014
Supply of geotextile “SANGEOTEX” for the construction of water facilities in the Fergana Valley in 2014
Supply of geotextile “SANGEOTEX” for the reconstruction of Tashkent power station in 2014
Supply of geotextile “SANGEOTEX” for the upgrade of Talimarjan TPS in 2014
Reconstruction of the State Museum of Arts named after I. Savitsky, the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus, 2014